the lore

Ty was just an ordinary ape, living and unimpressive life working for a ruthless corporate machine. His life was unfulfilling in every way. His home and the things he filled it with, his love life, his enjoyment of everything gone. He barely slept and when he did was plagued with terrible nightmares of pain and torture.

Ty tried to cope with his life as best he could. He attempted to find new ways to overcome his problems. No support group he attended could help him. One fateful business trip however, he runs into a peculiar ape who offers him a path forward in fixing his life.

Ty reluctantly accepted the offer, but in turn had to do whatever was requested of him. He quit his job, sold his home and all his possessions, and went to live with the stranger.

Things following this were quite strange indeed. Together they did many things, some illegal, some cruel, however most harmless and just weird. In one such event, Ty was instructed to start a fight. Now, in his old life he would never entertain such an idea, but his nights recently had been very peaceful and his mind at ease. Whatever had changed, it was working so Ty complied and was mercilessly pummeled. In the end though, Ty felt more powerful than ever and this was how Ape Fight Club was born.

AFC brought a strange yet renewed vitality to his life. The brotherhood and camaraderie made him feel more at home than anything in his life. This was the beginning of something great.

And things were great for a while. Ape Fights grew and grew until they outgrew the basement they started in. This is when things got out of control. The members started calling themselves Project Mischief. They started causing chaos and disruption around the city and even made plans to blow up the Tempus building, the old corporate giant he used to work a desk job for.

As Ty protested, the truth was revealed to him by his strange ape friend who had attempted to change his life. He explained that Tempus was actually a cross dimensional entity that aimed to destroy apes across the multiverse. In this particular one, they were attempting to subdue and control the apes. His dreams of pain and torture were exactly that. The company he worked for had heavily drugged him, studying his superior intellect and searching for ways to turn him against his brothers.

Once the truth has been revealed, Ty was more than ready for war. Together he and his ape brothers would Rise, use Tempus’ own technology against them and travel through the Looking Glass, ready for WAR!